Volunteers are the foundation of our organization. There are many ways for people of all genders and ages to get involved with Girls Rock! Indianapolis, at summer camp and throughout the year.


Volunteer roles for summer camp include the roadies who help with camp setup and tear down, in-camp volunteers who focus on activities like band management, instrument instruction, and camp counseling, workshop hosts who teach pre-planned activity sessions, and lunch performs who play for our campers during their break.

Click the links below to learn more about each position and apply.

Apply to be a Roadie, Showcase Volunteer, or In-Camp Volunteer

We offer various staff & volunteer positions during summer camp. This includes the roadies who help with camp setup and tear down, in-camp volunteers who focus on activities like band management, instrument instruction, and camp counseling, workshop hosts who teach pre-planned activity sessions, and lunch performs who play for our campers during their break.

Click the links below to learn more about each position and apply.

Apply to be a Roadie, Staff member, or Volunteer during camp weeksApply to be a Workshop LeaderApply to be a Camp Performer


Become a Year-Round Volunteer

Outside of camp, you can support Girls Rock! Indianapolis by volunteering for events or by serving on one of our leadership committees. Whatever form your commitment takes, we appreciate your time and work to ensure a positive experience for all volunteers.

Complete the volunteer interest form below to let us know your skills and interests. We’ll find a way to get you involved!

If you’re interested in joining a leadership committee, you may choose from one of the following:

Diversity and inclusion


Want to get involved but don’t have any experience in music? No problem! We not only include but encourage people with no musical background to get involved with our programs.

Our volunteers are parents, camp alumni, college students, local musicians, social workers, music fans, artists, activists and people who want to empower youth. In short – our volunteers are people like you.


Girls Rock! Indianapolis strives to provide a safer and inclusive environment for our program participants and volunteers.

Camp roles include direct contact with our campers, such as band managing, counseling and workshop instruction. For this reason, we invite individuals who identify as non-binary, trans and cisgender women to volunteer at camp.

We welcome and greatly value individuals of any gender identity to volunteer in other ways. Roles available to all individuals include assisting with community events, working on band equipment and/or serving on a volunteer committee.

We appreciate your understanding and are always interested in an ongoing conversation about gender.

“We can make spaces safer, first by acknowledging that some people are discriminated against just for being who they are, and then by doing what we can to ensure they feel supported.”

- Shawna Potter